AreaChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
AreaChart Class
Chart::animation() — Method in class Chart
Set the animation options for a chart.
TableChart::allowHtml() — Method in class TableChart
If set to true the GoogleChart will render html tags sorted as values.
TableChart::alternatingRowStyle() — Method in class TableChart
If set to true the GoogleChart will alternate the role styles.
AnimationClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Animation ConfigObject
AnnotationClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Annotation ConfigObject
Annotation::alwaysOutside() — Method in class Annotation
In Bar and Column charts, if set to true, draws all annotations outside of the Bar/Column.
AxisClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Axis Properties Parent Object
DataTable::addColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Adds a column to the DataTable
DataTable::addColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Adds multiple columns to the DataTable
DataTable::addStringColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a string column with less params.
DataTable::addDateColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a date column with less params.
DataTable::addNumberColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a number column with less params.
DataTable::addRow() — Method in class DataTable
Add a row to the DataTable
DataTable::addRows() — Method in class DataTable
Adds multiple rows to the DataTable.
HorizontalAxis::allowContainerBoundaryTextCutoff() — Method in class HorizontalAxis
Sets whether the container can cutoff the labels or not.
Legend::alignment() — Method in class Legend
Sets the alignment of the legend.
Series::annotation() — Method in class Series
An object to be applied to annotations for this series.
CategoryUI::allowNone() — Method in class CategoryUI
Whether the user is allowed not to choose any value.
CategoryUI::allowMultiple() — Method in class CategoryUI
Whether multiple values can be selected, rather than just one.
CategoryUI::allowTyping() — Method in class CategoryUI
Allow typing in a text field for filtering.
ColumnFactory::applyFormat() — Method in class ColumnFactory
Creates a new Column with the same values, while applying the Format.
DataTable::addColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Adds a column to the DataTable
DataTable::addColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Adds multiple columns to the DataTable
DataTable::addBooleanColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a boolean column with less params.
DataTable::addStringColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a string column with less params.
DataTable::addDateColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a date column with less params.
DataTable::addDateTimeColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a datetime column with less params.
DataTable::addTimeOfDayColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a timeofday column with less params.
DataTable::addNumberColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Supplemental function to add a number column with less params.
DataTable::addRoleColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Adds a new column for defining a data role.
DataTable::addRow() — Method in class DataTable
Add a row to the DataTable
DataTable::addRows() — Method in class DataTable
Adds multiple rows to the DataTable.
ArrowFormatClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Formats
ArrowFormat Object
Psr4Autoloader::addNamespace() — Method in class Psr4Autoloader
Adds a base directory for a namespace prefix.
AnnotationsTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
AnnotationsTrait::annotations() — Method in class AnnotationsTrait
Defines how chart annotations will be displayed.
AreaOpacityTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
AreaOpacityTrait::areaOpacity() — Method in class AreaOpacityTrait
The default opacity of the colored area under a chart series
AxisTitlesPositionTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
AxisTitlesPositionTrait::axisTitlesPosition() — Method in class AxisTitlesPositionTrait
Where to place the axis titles, compared to the chart area.
Utils::arrayToPipedString() — Method in class Utils
Takes an array of values and ouputs them as a string between brackets and separated by a pipe.
Utils::arrayIsMulti() — Method in class Utils
Simple test to see if array is multi-dimensional.
Utils::arrayValuesCheck() — Method in class Utils
Simple test to see if array values are of specified type.


BarChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
BarChart Class
Chart::backgroundColor() — Method in class Chart
The background color for the main area of the chart.
Axis::baseline() — Method in class Axis
Sets the baseline for the axis.
Axis::baselineColor() — Method in class Axis
Sets the color of the baseline for the axis.
BackgroundColorClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
backgroundColor Object
BoxStyleClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
BoxStyle Object
Color::backgroundColor() — Method in class Color
Specifies the background color.
TextStyle::bold() — Method in class TextStyle
Set bold on/off for the text element.
DataRange::blockIncrement() — Method in class DataRange
The amount to increment for block increments of the range extents.
BindingClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Bindings
Parent Binding Class
BindingFactoryClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Bindings
BindingFactory Class
Dashboard::bind() — Method in class Dashboard
Binds ControlWrappers to ChartWrappers in the dashboard.
DataTable::bare() — Method in class DataTable
Returns a bare clone of the DataTable.
ArrowFormat::base() — Method in class ArrowFormat
A number indicating the base value, used to compare against the cell value.
BarFormatClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Formats
BarFormat Object
BarFormat::base() — Method in class BarFormat
A number indicating the base value, used to compare against the cell value.
LavachartsServiceProvider::boot() — Method in class LavachartsServiceProvider
BarGroupWidthTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
BarGroupWidthTrait::barGroupWidth() — Method in class BarGroupWidthTrait
The width of a group of bars, specified in either of these formats: - Pixels (e.g. 50).
Utils::between() — Method in class Utils
Test if a number is between two other numbers.


CalendarChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
CalendarChart Class
CalendarChart::cellColor() — Method in class CalendarChart
The cellColor option lets you customize the border of the calendar day squares
CalendarChart::cellSize() — Method in class CalendarChart
Sets the size of the calendar day squares
ChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
Chart Class, Parent to all charts.
Chart::customize() — Method in class Chart
Sets any configuration option, with no checks for type / validity
Chart::chartArea() — Method in class Chart
An object with members to configure the placement and size of the chart area (where the chart itself is drawn, excluding axis and legends).
Chart::colors() — Method in class Chart
The colors to use for the chart elements.
ColumnChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
ColumnChart Class
ComboChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
ComboChart Class
TableChart::cssClassNames() — Method in class TableChart
An object in which each property name describes a table element, and the property value is a string, defining a class to assign to that table element.
ChartAreaClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
ChartArea ConfigObject
ColorClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Color Object
Color::color() — Method in class Color
Specifies the foreground color.
ColorAxisClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
ColorAxis Object
ColorAxis::colors() — Method in class ColorAxis
Colors to assign to values in the visualization. An array of strings, where each element is an HTML color string.
CrosshairClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Crosshair ConfigObject
CssClassNamesClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
CssClassNames Properties Object
EventManager::count() — Method in class EventManager
Returns the number of events when the EventManager is counted.
Gradient::color1() — Method in class Gradient
If present, specifies the start color for the gradient.
Gradient::color2() — Method in class Gradient
If present, specifies the finish color for the gradient.
Gridlines::color() — Method in class Gridlines
Set the color of the gridlines.
Gridlines::count() — Method in class Gridlines
Sets the number of gridlines.
Slice::color() — Method in class Slice
The color to use for this slice. Specify a valid HTML color string.
TextStyle::color() — Method in class TextStyle
Set the color for the text element.
CategoryUIClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs\UIs
CategoryUI Object
CategoryUI::caption() — Method in class CategoryUI
The caption to display inside the value picker widget when no item is selected.
ChartRangeUIClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs\UIs
ChartRangeUI Object
ChartRangeUI::chartType() — Method in class ChartRangeUI
The type of the chart drawn inside the control.
ChartRangeUI::chartOptions() — Method in class ChartRangeUI
ChartRangeUI::chartView() — Method in class ChartRangeUI
UI::cssClass() — Method in class UI
The CSS class to assign to the control, for custom styling.
BindingFactory::create() — Method in class BindingFactory
Create a new Binding for the dashboard.
ChartWrapperClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards
ChartWrapper Class
ControlWrapperClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards
ControlWrapper Class
CategoryFilterClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Filters
Category Filter Class
ChartRangeFilterClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Filters
Chart Range Filter Class
StringFilter::caseSensitive() — Method in class StringFilter
Whether matching should be case sensitive or not.
CellClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Cells
DataCell Object
ColumnClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Columns
Column Object
ColumnFactoryClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Columns
ColumnFactory Class
ColumnFactory::create() — Method in class ColumnFactory
Creates a new column object.
DataTable::cell() — Method in class DataTable
Create a new DataCell for a value in a Row
DataTable::createFromJson() — Method in class DataTable
Parses a string of JSON data into a DataTable.
BarFormat::colorNegative() — Method in class BarFormat
A string indicating the negative value section of bars.
BarFormat::colorPositive() — Method in class BarFormat
A string indicating the color of the positive value section of bars.
RowFactory::create() — Method in class RowFactory
Creates a new Row object.
ChartNotFoundClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
ChartFactoryClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Javascript
ChartFactory Class
JavascriptFactory::coreJsRendered() — Method in class JavascriptFactory
Returns true|false depending on if the jsapi & lava.js core have been added to the output.
Lavacharts::ControlWrapper() — Method in class Lavacharts
Create a new ControlWrapper from a Filter
Lavacharts::ChartWrapper() — Method in class Lavacharts
Create a new ChartWrapper from a Chart
ColorAxisTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
ColorAxisTrait::colorAxis() — Method in class ColorAxisTrait
An object that specifies a mapping between color column values and colors or a gradient scale.
ColorTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
ColorTrait::color() — Method in class ColorTrait
Sets the color for the object carrying this trait.
CrosshairTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
CrosshairTrait::crosshair() — Method in class CrosshairTrait
An array containing the crosshair properties for the chart.
CurveTypeTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
CurveTypeTrait::curveType() — Method in class CurveTypeTrait
Controls the curve of the lines when the line width is not zero.
Volcano::checkChart() — Method in class Volcano
Simple true/false test if a chart exists.
Volcano::checkDashboard() — Method in class Volcano
Simple true/false test if a dashboard exists.


CalendarChart::dayOfWeekLabel() — Method in class CalendarChart
Controls the font style of the week labels at the top of the chart.
CalendarChart::dayOfWeekRightSpace() — Method in class CalendarChart
Sets The distance between the right edge of the week labels and the left edge of the chart day squares.
CalendarChart::daysOfWeek() — Method in class CalendarChart
The single-letter labels to use for Sunday through Saturday.
Chart::datatable() — Method in class Chart
Assigns a datatable to use for the Chart.
DonutChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
DonutChart Class
GeoChart::datalessRegionColor() — Method in class GeoChart
Color to assign to regions with no associated data.
GeoChart::displayMode() — Method in class GeoChart
Which type of map this is.
Animation::duration() — Method in class Animation
The duration of the animation, in milliseconds.
Axis::direction() — Method in class Axis
Sets the direction of the axis values.
DataTableClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
$ DataTableProperty in class DataTable
Timezone for dealing with datetime and Carbon objects
Trendline::degree() — Method in class Trendline
Sets the display of trendline points.
DataRangeClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs\UIs
DataRangeUI Object
DateRangeUIClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs\UIs
DateRangeUI Object
DashboardClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards
DateRangeFilterClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Filters
Date Range Class
DateCellClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Cells
DateCell Class
$ ColumnFactoryProperty in class ColumnFactory
Valid column descriptions
DataTableClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables
The DataTable object is used to hold the data passed into a visualization.
DataTable::dropColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Drops a column and its data from the DataTable
BarFormat::drawZeroLine() — Method in class BarFormat
A boolean indicating if to draw a 1 pixel dark base line when negative values are present.
DateFormatClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Formats
NumberFormat::decimalSymbol() — Method in class NumberFormat
Sets the character to use as the decimal marker.
DashboardNotFoundClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
DataTableNotFoundClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
DashboardFactoryClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Javascript
DashboardFactory Class
Lavacharts::DataTable() — Method in class Lavacharts
Create a new DataTable
Lavacharts::Dashboard() — Method in class Lavacharts
Create a new Dashboard
DataOpacityTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
DataOpacityTrait::dataOpacity() — Method in class DataOpacityTrait
The transparency of data points


Chart::events() — Method in class Chart
Register javascript callbacks for specific events.
GeoChart::enableRegionInteractivity() — Method in class GeoChart
If true, enable region interactivity, including focus and tool-tip elaboration on mouse hover, and region selection and firing of regionClick and select events on mouse click.
Animation::easing() — Method in class Animation
The easing function applied to the animation.
EventManagerClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
EventManager Object
MagnifyingGlass::enable() — Method in class MagnifyingGlass
Sets whether the magnifying glass is enabled or not.
Lavacharts::exists() — Method in class Lavacharts
Checks to see if the given chart or dashboard exists in the volcano storage.
Options::extend() — Method in class Options
Extends the default options with more options.
EnableInteractivityTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
EnableInteractivityTrait::enableInteractivity() — Method in class EnableInteractivityTrait
Whether the chart throws user-based events or reacts to user interaction.
ElementIdClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Values
ElementId Value Object


CalendarChart::focusedCellColor() — Method in class CalendarChart
When the user focuses (say, by hovering) over a day square, calendar charts will highlight the square.
CalendarChart::forceIFrame() — Method in class CalendarChart
Draws the chart inside an inline frame.
Chart::fontSize() — Method in class Chart
The default font size, in pixels, of all text in the chart.
Chart::fontName() — Method in class Chart
The default font face for all text in the chart.
TableChart::firstRowNumber() — Method in class TableChart
The row number for the first row in the dataTable. Used only if showRowNumber is true.
TableChart::frozenColumns() — Method in class TableChart
The number of columns from the left that will be frozen.
TreeMap::fontColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The text color. Specify an HTML color value.
TreeMap::fontFamily() — Method in class TreeMap
The font family to use for all text.
TreeMap::fontSize() — Method in class TreeMap
The font size for all text, in points.
Axis::format() — Method in class Axis
Sets the formatting applied to the axis label. This is a subset of the ICU pattern set. For instance, '#,###%' will display values "1,000%", "750%", and "50%" for values 10, 7.5, and 0.5.
BackgroundColor::fill() — Method in class BackgroundColor
Sets the chart color fill.
Crosshair::focused() — Method in class Crosshair
An object that specifies the crosshair focused color.
DataTable::formatColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Sets the format of the column.
DataTable::formatColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Sets the format of multiple columns.
Series::fallingColor() — Method in class Series
Overrides for the global Candlestick falling color options.
TextStyle::fontName() — Method in class TextStyle
Sets the font to the textStyle object.
TextStyle::fontSize() — Method in class TextStyle
Sets the font size to the textStyle.
DateRangeUI::format() — Method in class DateRangeUI
Sets the format for dates in the control.
NumberRangeUI::format() — Method in class NumberRangeUI
Sets the format for numbers in the control.
FilterClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Filters
Filter Parent Class
Filter::filterColumnIndex() — Method in class Filter
The column of the datatable the filter should operate upon.
Filter::filterColumnLabel() — Method in class Filter
The label of the column the filter should operate upon.
DataTable::formatColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Sets the format of the column.
DataTable::formatColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Sets the format of multiple columns.
DateFormat::formatType() — Method in class DateFormat
Sets a quick formatting option for the date.
FormatClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Formats
NumberFormat::fractionDigits() — Method in class NumberFormat
A number specifying how many digits to display after the decimal.
Lavacharts::fetch() — Method in class Lavacharts
Fetches an existing Chart or Dashboard from the volcano storage.
FocusTargetTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
FocusTargetTrait::focusTarget() — Method in class FocusTargetTrait
The type of the entity that receives focus on mouse hover.
ForceIFrameTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
ForceIFrameTrait::forceIFrame() — Method in class ForceIFrameTrait
Draws the chart inside an inline frame.


Chart::getType() — Method in class Chart
Returns the chart type.
Chart::getEvents() — Method in class Chart
Retrieves the events if any have been assigned to the chart.
Chart::getLabel() — Method in class Chart
Returns the chart label.
Chart::getDataTable() — Method in class Chart
Returns the DataTable
Chart::getDataTableJson() — Method in class Chart
Returns a JSON string representation of the datatable.
GaugeChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
GaugeChart Class
GaugeChart::greenColor() — Method in class GaugeChart
The color to use for the green section, in HTML color notation.
GaugeChart::greenFrom() — Method in class GaugeChart
The lowest value for a range marked by a green color.
GaugeChart::greenTo() — Method in class GaugeChart
The highest value for a range marked by a green color.
GeoChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
GeoChart Class
Axis::gridlines() — Method in class Axis
Sets the color and count of the gridlines.
BoxStyle::gradient() — Method in class BoxStyle
Sets the attributes for linear gradient fill.
DataTable::getNumberOfColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the number of columns in the DataTable
DataTable::getNumberOfRows() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the number of rows in the DataTable
DataTable::getColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the column array from the DataTable
DataTable::getRows() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the rows array from the DataTable
DataTable::getColumnTypes() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the types of columns currently defined.
DataTable::getColumnIndexByType() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the column number of the ypes of columns currently defined.
DataTable::getFormats() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the formats array from the DataTable
EventManager::getIterator() — Method in class EventManager
Allows for the events to be traversed with foreach.
EventManager::getCallback() — Method in class EventManager
Retrieves the javascript callback for a chart event.
GradientClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Gradient ConfigObject
GridlinesClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Animation ConfigObject
UI::getType() — Method in class UI
Returns the UI object type
Binding::getChartWrappers() — Method in class Binding
Get the ChartWrappers
Binding::getControlWrappers() — Method in class Binding
Get the ControlWrappers
Dashboard::getBindings() — Method in class Dashboard
Fetch the dashboard's bindings.
Dashboard::getBoundCharts() — Method in class Dashboard
Fetch the dashboard's bound charts from the wrappers.
Dashboard::getLabel() — Method in class Dashboard
Returns the dashboard label.
Filter::getType() — Method in class Filter
Returns the Filter type.
Wrapper::getContainerId() — Method in class Wrapper
Returns the container id.
Cell::getValue() — Method in class Cell
Returns the value.
Cell::getFormat() — Method in class Cell
Returns the string format of the value.
Cell::getOptions() — Method in class Cell
Returns the cell customization options.
Column::getType() — Method in class Column
Returns the type of column.
Column::getLabel() — Method in class Column
Returns the column label.
Column::getFormat() — Method in class Column
Returns the column formatter.
Column::getRole() — Method in class Column
Returns the column role.
DataTable::getTimeZone() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the current timezone used in the DataTable
DataTable::getDateTimeFormat() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the set DateTime format.
DataTable::getRows() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the rows array from the DataTable
DataTable::getRowCount() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the number of rows in the DataTable
DataTable::getColumn() — Method in class DataTable
Returns a column based on it's index.
DataTable::getColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the column array from the DataTable
DataTable::getColumnsByType() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the columns whos type match the given value.
DataTable::getColumnCount() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the number of columns in the DataTable
DataTable::getColumnLabel() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the label of a column based on it's index.
DataTable::getColumnType() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the type of a column based on it's index.
DataTable::getColumnTypes() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the types of columns currently defined.
DataTable::getColumnLabels() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the labels of columns currently defined.
DataTable::getFormattedColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Returns the column array from the DataTable
Format::getType() — Method in class Format
Returns the format type.
NumberFormat::groupingSymbol() — Method in class NumberFormat
A character to be used to group digits to the left of the decimal into sets of three.
Row::getColumnValue() — Method in class Row
Returns a column value from the Row.
JavascriptFactory::getCoreJs() — Method in class JavascriptFactory
Gets the Google chart api and lava.js core.
JavascriptFactory::getJavascript() — Method in class JavascriptFactory
Parses the javascript template and wraps the output in a script tag.
JavascriptFactory::getChartJs() — Method in class JavascriptFactory
Checks for an element id to output the chart into and builds the Javascript.
JavascriptFactory::getDashboardJs() — Method in class JavascriptFactory
Checks for an element id to output the chart into and builds the Javascript.
JsonConfig::getOptions() — Method in class JsonConfig
Gets the Options object for the JsonConfig
Options::getDefaults() — Method in class Options
Returns the array of options that can be set.
Options::getValues() — Method in class Options
Returns an array representation of the options.
Options::get() — Method in class Options
Get the value of a set option.
LavachartsExtension::getFunctions() — Method in class LavachartsExtension
LavachartsExtension::getName() — Method in class LavachartsExtension
Volcano::getChart() — Method in class Volcano
Retrieves a chart from the volcano datastore.
Volcano::getDashboard() — Method in class Volcano
Retrieves a dashboard from the volcano datastore.


Chart::hasEvents() — Method in class Chart
Checks if any events have been assigned to the chart.
Chart::height() — Method in class Chart
Height of the chart, in pixels.
TreeMap::headerColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The color of the header section for each node. Specify an HTML color value.
TreeMap::headerHeight() — Method in class TreeMap
The height of the header section for each node, in pixels (can be zero).
TreeMap::headerHighlightColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The color of the header of a node being hovered over. Specify an HTML color value or null; if null this value will be headerColor lightened by 35%
Annotation::highContrast() — Method in class Annotation
For charts that support annotations, the highContrast bool lets you override Google Charts' choice of the annotation color. By default, highContrast is true, which causes Charts to select an annotation color with good contrast: light colors on dark backgrounds, and dark on light.
ChartArea::height() — Method in class ChartArea
Sets the height of the chart in the container.
CssClassNames::headerRow() — Method in class CssClassNames
Assigns a class name to the table header row ( element).
CssClassNames::hoverTableRow() — Method in class CssClassNames
Assigns a class name to the hovered table row ( element).
CssClassNames::headerCell() — Method in class CssClassNames
Assigns a class name to all cells in the header row ( element).
DataTable::hasFormats() — Method in class DataTable
Boolean value if there are defined formatters
HorizontalAxisClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Horizontal Axis ConfigObject
DataTable::hasFormattedColumns() — Method in class DataTable
Boolean value if there are any formatted columns
Options::hasOption() — Method in class Options
Checks to see if a given option is available to set.
Options::hasValue() — Method in class Options
Checks to see if a given option is set.
HorizontalAxesTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
HorizontalAxesTrait::hAxes() — Method in class HorizontalAxesTrait
Specifies properties for individual horizontal axes, if the chart has multiple horizontal axes.
HorizontalAxisTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
HorizontalAxisTrait::hAxis() — Method in class HorizontalAxisTrait
An object with members to configure various horizontal axis elements.


PieChart::is3D() — Method in class PieChart
If set to true, displays a three-dimensional chart.
TextStyle::italic() — Method in class TextStyle
Set italic on/off for the text element.
Tooltip::isHtml() — Method in class Tooltip
Sets whether the tooltip is HTML.
Column::isFormatted() — Method in class Column
Returns the status of if the column is formatted.
InvalidBindingsClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidCellCountClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidChartWrapperParamsClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidColumnDefinitionClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidColumnFormatClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidColumnIndexClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidColumnRoleClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidColumnTypeClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidConfigPropertyClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidConfigValueClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidControlWrapperParamsClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidDataTableClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidDateClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidDateTimeFormatClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidDateTimeStringClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidDivDimensionsClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidElementIdClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidEventClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidEventCallbackClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidFilterObjectClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidFunctionParamClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidJsonClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidLabelClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidLavaObjectClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidOptionClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidRowDefinitionClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidRowPropertyClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidTimeZoneClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InvalidUIPropertyClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Exceptions
InterpolateNullsTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
InterpolateNullsTrait::interpolateNulls() — Method in class InterpolateNullsTrait
Whether to guess the value of missing points.
IsStackedTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
IsStackedTrait::isStacked() — Method in class IsStackedTrait
If set to true, stacks the elements for all series at each domain value.
Utils::isIntOrPercent() — Method in class Utils
Tests input for valid int or percent


Wrapper::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Wrapper
Custom serialization of the ChartWrapper.
Cell::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Cell
Custom serialization of the DataCell
DateCell::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DateCell
Custom serialization of the Carbon date.
Column::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Column
Custom json serialization of the column.
DataTable::jsonSerialize() — Method in class DataTable
Custom serialization of the DataTable.
Row::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Row
Custom json serialization of the row.
JavascriptFactoryClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Javascript
JavascriptFactory Class
JsonConfigClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts
JsonConfig Object
JsonConfig::jsonSerialize() — Method in class JsonConfig
Custom serialization of the JsonConfig object.
Lavacharts::jsapi() — Method in class Lavacharts
Outputs the link to the Google JSAPI
Options::jsonSerialize() — Method in class Options
Custom serialization of the Options object.


GeoChart::keepAspectRatio() — Method in class GeoChart
If true, the map will be drawn at the largest size that can fit inside the chart area at its natural aspect ratio.


Chart::legend() — Method in class Chart
An object with members to configure various aspects of the legend.
LineChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
LineChart Class
Axis::logScale() — Method in class Axis
Sets the axis property that makes the axis a logarithmic scale (requires all values to be positive). Set to [ true | false ].
ChartArea::left() — Method in class ChartArea
Sets the left padding of the chart in the container.
LegendClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Legend ConfigObject
Series::lineDashStyle() — Method in class Series
Many styles of dashed lines are possible via the lineDashStyle option, which takes an array of numbers.
UI::label() — Method in class UI
The label to display next to the category picker.
UI::labelSeparator() — Method in class UI
A separator string appended to the label, to visually separate the label from the control.
UI::labelStacking() — Method in class UI
Whether the label should display above or beside the control.
LavachartsFacadeClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Laravel
Lavacharts Facade
LavachartsServiceProviderClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Laravel
Lavacharts Service Provider
LavachartsClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts
Lavacharts - A PHP wrapper library for the Google Chart API
Psr4Autoloader::loadClass() — Method in class Psr4Autoloader
Loads the class file for a given class name.
LavachartsBundleClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Symfony\Bundle
LavachartsExtensionClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Symfony\Bundle\Twig
LabelInLegendTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
LabelInLegendTrait::labelInLegend() — Method in class LabelInLegendTrait
Whether the trendline should have a legend entry or not.
LineWidthTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
LineWidthTrait::lineWidth() — Method in class LineWidthTrait
Data line width in pixels.
LabelClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Values
Label Value Object


CalendarChart::monthLabel() — Method in class CalendarChart
Sets the style for the month labels.
CalendarChart::monthOutlineColor() — Method in class CalendarChart
Months with data values are delineated from others using a border in this style.
GaugeChart::majorTicks() — Method in class GaugeChart
Labels for major tick marks. The number of labels define the number of major ticks in all gauges.
GaugeChart::max() — Method in class GaugeChart
The maximal value of a gauge.
GaugeChart::min() — Method in class GaugeChart
The minimal value of a gauge.
GaugeChart::minorTicks() — Method in class GaugeChart
The number of minor tick section in each major tick section.
GeoChart::magnifyingGlass() — Method in class GeoChart
Sets up the magnifying glass, so when the user lingers over a cluttered marker, a magnifiying glass will be opened.
GeoChart::markerOpacity() — Method in class GeoChart
The opacity of the markers, where 0.0 is fully transparent and 1.0 is fully opaque.
TreeMap::maxColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The color for a rectangle with a column 3 value of maxColorValue.
TreeMap::maxDepth() — Method in class TreeMap
The maximum number of node levels to show in the current view. Levels will be flattened into the current plane. If your tree has more levels than this, you will have to go up or down to see them. You can additionally see maxPostDepth levels below this as shaded rectangles within these nodes.
TreeMap::maxHighlightColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The highlight color to use for the node with the largest value in column 3. Specify an HTML color value or null; If null, this value will be the value of maxColor lightened by 35%.
TreeMap::maxPostDepth() — Method in class TreeMap
How many levels of nodes beyond maxDepth to show in "hinted" fashion.
TreeMap::maxColorValue() — Method in class TreeMap
The maximum value allowed in column 3. All values greater than this will be trimmed to this value. If set to null, it will be set to the max value in the column.
TreeMap::midColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The color for a rectangle with a column 3 value midway between maxColorValue and minColorValue. Specify an HTML color value.
TreeMap::midHighlightColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The highlight color to use for the node with a column 3 value near the median of minColorValue and maxColorValue. Specify an HTML color value or null; if null, this value will be the value of midColor lightened by 35%.
TreeMap::minColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The color for a rectangle with the column 3 value of minColorValue.
TreeMap::minHighlightColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The highlight color to use for the node with a column 3 value nearest to minColorValue. Specify an HTML color value or null; if null, this value will be the value of minColor lightened by 35%.
TreeMap::minColorValue() — Method in class TreeMap
The minimum value allowed in column 3. All values less than this will be trimmed to this value. If set to null, it will be calculated as the minimum value in the column.
Axis::minorGridlines() — Method in class Axis
Sets the color and count of the minorGridlines
Axis::maxAlternation() — Method in class Axis
Maximum number of levels of axis text.
Axis::maxTextLines() — Method in class Axis
Maximum number of lines allowed for the text labels.
Axis::minTextSpacing() — Method in class Axis
Minimum spacing, in pixels, allowed between two adjacent text labels.
Axis::maxValue() — Method in class Axis
Axis property that specifies the highest axis grid line. The actual grid line will be the greater of two values: the maxValue option value, or the highest data value, rounded up to the next higher grid mark.
Axis::minValue() — Method in class Axis
axis property that specifies the lowest axis grid line. The actual grid line will be the lower of two values: the minValue option value, or the lowest data value, rounded down to the next lower grid mark.
ColorAxis::minValue() — Method in class ColorAxis
If present, specifies a minimum value for chart color data. Color data values of this value and lower will be rendered as the first color in the $this->colors range.
ColorAxis::maxValue() — Method in class ColorAxis
If present, specifies a maximum value for chart color data. Color data values of this value and higher will be rendered as the last color in the $this->colors range.
MagnifyingGlassClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
MagnifyingGlass Object
SizeAxis::maxSize() — Method in class SizeAxis
Sets maximum radius of the largest possible bubble, in pixels.
SizeAxis::maxValue() — Method in class SizeAxis
Set the size value (as appears in the chart data) to be mapped to $this->maxSize.
SizeAxis::minSize() — Method in class SizeAxis
Sets minimum radius of the smallest possible bubble, in pixels
SizeAxis::minValue() — Method in class SizeAxis
Set the size value (as appears in the chart data) to be mapped to $this->minSize.
ChartRangeUI::minRangeSize() — Method in class ChartRangeUI
The minimum selectable range size (range.end - range.start), specified in data value units.
ManyToManyClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Bindings
ManyToMany Binding Class
ManyToOneClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Bindings
ManyToOne Binding Class
NumberRangeFilter::minValue() — Method in class NumberRangeFilter
Minimum allowed value for the range lower extent.
NumberRangeFilter::maxValue() — Method in class NumberRangeFilter
Maximum allowed value for the range higher extent.
StringFilter::matchType() — Method in class StringFilter
What type of string the control should match.
BarFormat::max() — Method in class BarFormat
The maximum number value for the bar range.
BarFormat::min() — Method in class BarFormat
The minimum number value for the bar range.
Options::merge() — Method in class Options
Merges two Options objects and combines the options and values.


CalendarChart::noDataPattern() — Method in class CalendarChart
An object that specifies a mapping between color column values and colors or a gradient scale.
TreeMap::noColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The color to use for a rectangle when a node has no value for column 3, and that node is a leaf (or contains only leaves). Specify an HTML color value.
TreeMap::noHighlightColor() — Method in class TreeMap
The color to use for a rectangle of "no" color when highlighted. Specify an HTML color value or null; if null, this will be the value of noColor lightened by 35%.
NumberRangeUIClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs\UIs
NumberRangeUI Object
NumberRangeFilterClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Filters
Number Range Filter Class
NumberFormatClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Formats
NumberFormat Object
NumberFormat::negativeColor() — Method in class NumberFormat
The text color for negative values.
NumberFormat::negativeParens() — Method in class NumberFormat
Sets whether negative values should be surrounded by parentheses.
NullRowClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Rows
NullRow Object
Utils::nonEmptyString() — Method in class Utils
Checks if variable is a non-empty string
Utils::nonEmptyStringInArray() — Method in class Utils
Checks if variable is a non-empty string within an array of values


Color::opacity() — Method in class Color
Opacity, with 0.0 being fully transparent and 1.0 fully opaque.
Crosshair::opacity() — Method in class Crosshair
The crosshair opacity, with 0.0 being fully transparent and 1.0 fully opaque.
Crosshair::orientation() — Method in class Crosshair
The crosshair orientation, which can be 'vertical' for vertical hairs only, 'horizontal' for horizontal hairs only, or 'both' for traditional crosshairs.
CssClassNames::oddTableRow() — Method in class CssClassNames
Assigns a class name to odd table rows ( elements). Note: the alternatingRowStyle option must be set to true.
Slice::offset() — Method in class Slice
How far to separate the slice from the rest of the pie.
DataRange::orientation() — Method in class DataRange
The slider orientation. Either 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.
OneToManyClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Bindings
OneToMany Binding Class
OneToOneClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Bindings
Binding Class
OptionsClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts
Options Object
OpacityTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
OpacityTrait::opacity() — Method in class OpacityTrait
Sets the transparency of assigned object points
OrientationTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
OrientationTrait::orientation() — Method in class OrientationTrait
Sets the orientation of the chart.


DonutChart::pieHole() — Method in class DonutChart
If between 0 and 1, displays a donut chart.
PieChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
PieChart Class
PieChart::pieSliceBorderColor() — Method in class PieChart
The color of the slice borders. Only applicable when the chart is two-dimensional; is3D == false || null
PieChart::pieSliceText() — Method in class PieChart
The content of the text displayed on the slice. Can be one of the following:
PieChart::pieSliceTextStyle() — Method in class PieChart
An object that specifies the slice text style. create a new textStyle() object, set the values then pass it to this function or to the constructor.
PieChart::pieStartAngle() — Method in class PieChart
The angle, in degrees, to rotate the chart by. The default of 0 will orient the leftmost edge of the first slice directly up.
PieChart::pieResidueSliceColor() — Method in class PieChart
Color for the combination slice that holds all slices below sliceVisibilityThreshold.
PieChart::pieResidueSliceLabel() — Method in class PieChart
A label for the combination slice that holds all slices below sliceVisibilityThreshold.
TableChart::page() — Method in class TableChart
If and how to enable paging through the data.
TableChart::pageSize() — Method in class TableChart
The number of rows in each page, when paging is enabled with the page option.
TableChart::pagingButtons() — Method in class TableChart
Sets a specified option for the paging buttons. The options are as follows: both - enable prev and next buttons prev - only prev button is enabled next - only next button is enabled auto - the buttons are enabled according to the current page. On the first page only next is shown. On the last page only prev is shown. Otherwise both are enabled.
Legend::position() — Method in class Legend
Sets the position of the legend.
Trendline::pointsVisible() — Method in class Trendline
Sets the display of trendline points.
DateCell::parseString() — Method in class DateCell
Parses a datetime string with or without a datetime format.
DateFormat::pattern() — Method in class DateFormat
A custom format pattern to apply to the value, similar to the ICU date and time format.
NumberFormat::pattern() — Method in class NumberFormat
A format string. When provided, all other options are ignored, except negativeColor.
NumberFormat::prefix() — Method in class NumberFormat
Sets the string prefix for the value.
DashboardFactory::processBindings() — Method in class DashboardFactory
Process all the bindings for a Dashboard.
LavachartsServiceProvider::provides() — Method in class LavachartsServiceProvider
Psr4AutoloaderClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts
PSR4 Autoloader Class
PointShapeTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
PointShapeTrait::pointShape() — Method in class PointShapeTrait
The shape of individual data elements.
PointSizeTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
PointSizeTrait::pointSize() — Method in class PointSizeTrait
Diameter of displayed points in pixels.


Chart::render() — Method in class Chart
Outputs the chart javascript into the page.
GaugeChart::redColor() — Method in class GaugeChart
The color to use for the red section, in HTML color notation.
GaugeChart::redFrom() — Method in class GaugeChart
The lowest value for a range marked by a red color.
GaugeChart::redTo() — Method in class GaugeChart
The highest value for a range marked by a red color.
GeoChart::region() — Method in class GeoChart
The area to display on the map. (Surrounding areas will be displayed as well.) Can be one of the following:
GeoChart::resolution() — Method in class GeoChart
The resolution of the map borders. Choose one of the following values:
PieChart::reverseCategories() — Method in class PieChart
If set to true, will draw slices counterclockwise. The default is to draw clockwise.
TableChart::rtlTable() — Method in class TableChart
Adds basic support for right-to-left languages (such as Arabic or Hebrew) by reversing the column order of the table, so that column zero is the rightmost column, and the last column is the leftmost column. This does not affect the column index in the underlying data, only the order of display. Full bi-directional (BiDi) language display is not supported by the table visualization even with this option. This option will be ignored if you enable paging (using the page option), or if the table has scroll bars because you have specified height and width options smaller than the required table size.
BoxStyle::rx() — Method in class BoxStyle
Sets the x-radius of the corner curvature.
BoxStyle::ry() — Method in class BoxStyle
Sets the y-radius of the corner curvature.
CssClassNames::rowNumberCell() — Method in class CssClassNames
Assigns a class name to the cells in the row number column ( element).
Series::risingColor() — Method in class Series
Overrides for the global Candlestick color options.
StringUI::realtimeTrigger() — Method in class StringUI
Whether the control should match any time a key is pressed or only when the input field 'changes' (loss of focus or pressing the Enter key).
$ ColumnFactoryProperty in class ColumnFactory
Valid column roles
RowClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Rows
Row Object
RowFactoryClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\DataTables\Rows
RowFactory Class
LavachartsServiceProvider::register() — Method in class LavachartsServiceProvider
Lavacharts::render() — Method in class Lavacharts
Renders Charts or Dashboards into the page
Options::remove() — Method in class Options
Removes options from the default options.
Psr4Autoloader::register() — Method in class Psr4Autoloader
Register loader with SPL autoloader stack.
LavachartsExtension::renderChart() — Method in class LavachartsExtension
ReverseCategoriesTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
ReverseCategoriesTrait::reverseCategories() — Method in class ReverseCategoriesTrait
If set to true, will draw series from bottom to top.
RoleClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Values
Role Value Object


ComboChart::seriesType() — Method in class ComboChart
The default line type for any series not specified in the series property.
GeoChart::sizeAxis() — Method in class GeoChart
An object with members to configure how values are associated with bubble sizes.
PieChart::slices() — Method in class PieChart
An array of slice objects, each describing the format of the corresponding slice in the pie.
PieChart::sliceVisibilityThreshold() — Method in class PieChart
The slice relative part, below which a slice will not show individually.
ScatterChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
ScatterChart Class
TableChart::scrollLeftStartPosition() — Method in class TableChart
Sets the horizontal scrolling position, in pixels, if the table has horizontal scroll bars because you have set the width property. The table will open scrolled that many pixels past the leftmost column.
TableChart::showRowNumber() — Method in class TableChart
If set to true, shows the row number as the first column of the table.
TableChart::sortTable() — Method in class TableChart
If and how to sort columns when the user clicks a column heading. If sorting is enabled, consider setting the sortAscending and sortColumn properties as well. Choose one of the following string values: 'enable' - [Default] Users can click on column headers to sort by the clicked column. When users click on the column header, the rows will be automatically sorted, and a 'sort' event will be triggered.
TableChart::sortAscending() — Method in class TableChart
The order in which the initial sort column is sorted. True for ascending, false for descending. Ignored if sortColumn is not specified.
TableChart::sortColumn() — Method in class TableChart
An index of a column in the data table, by which the table is initially sorted.
TableChart::startPage() — Method in class TableChart
The first table page to display. Used only if page is in mode enable/event.
TreeMap::showScale() — Method in class TreeMap
Whether or not to show a color gradient scale from minColor to maxColor along the top of the chart. Specify true to show the scale.
TreeMap::showTooltips() — Method in class TreeMap
Whether or not to show tooltips.
Animation::startup() — Method in class Animation
Determines if the chart will animate on the initial draw.
Axis::showTextEvery() — Method in class Axis
How many axis labels to show
BackgroundColor::stroke() — Method in class BackgroundColor
Sets the chart border color.
BackgroundColor::strokeWidth() — Method in class BackgroundColor
Sets the chart border width.
BoxStyle::stroke() — Method in class BoxStyle
If present, specifies the color for the box outline.
BoxStyle::strokeWidth() — Method in class BoxStyle
Sets the thickness of the box outline.
Crosshair::selected() — Method in class Crosshair
An object that specifies the crosshair selected color.
CssClassNames::selectedTableRow() — Method in class CssClassNames
Assigns a class name to the selected table row ( element).
DataTable::setTimezone() — Method in class DataTable
Sets the Timezone that Carbon will use when parsing dates
DataTable::setDateTimeFormat() — Method in class DataTable
Sets the format to be used by Carbon::createFromFormat()
EventManager::set() — Method in class EventManager
Sets the callback for an event.
HorizontalAxis::slantedText() — Method in class HorizontalAxis
Sets whether the labels are slanted or not.
HorizontalAxis::slantedTextAngle() — Method in class HorizontalAxis
Sets the angle of the axis text, if it's drawn slanted.
SeriesClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Series ConfigObject
SizeAxisClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
SizeAxis Object
SliceClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Slice ConfigObject
StrokeClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Stroke Object
Stroke::stroke() — Method in class Stroke
Sets the color of the stroke.
Stroke::strokeOpacity() — Method in class Stroke
Sets the opacity of the stroke.
Stroke::strokeWidth() — Method in class Stroke
Sets the width of the stroke.
Tooltip::showColorCode() — Method in class Tooltip
Sets whether to show the color code.
Trendline::showR2() — Method in class Trendline
Sets the display of the status of the label in the legend.
CategoryUI::sortValues() — Method in class CategoryUI
Whether the values to choose from should be sorted.
CategoryUI::selectedValuesLayout() — Method in class CategoryUI
How to display selected values, when multiple selection is allowed.
ChartRangeUI::snapToData() — Method in class ChartRangeUI
If true, range thumbs are snapped to the nearest data points.
DataRange::step() — Method in class DataRange
The minimum possible change when dragging the slider thumbs.
DataRange::showRangeValues() — Method in class DataRange
Whether to have labels next to the slider displaying extents of the selected range.
StringUIClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs\UIs
StringUI Object
Dashboard::setBindings() — Method in class Dashboard
Batch add an array of bindings.
StringFilterClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards\Filters
String Filter Class
DataTable::setTimezone() — Method in class DataTable
Sets the Timezone that Carbon will use when parsing dates This will use the passed timezone, falling back to the default from php.ini, and falling back from that to America/Los_Angeles
DataTable::setDateTimeFormat() — Method in class DataTable
Sets the format to be used by Carbon::createFromFormat()
BarFormat::showValue() — Method in class BarFormat
If true, shows values and bars; if false, shows only bars.
NumberFormat::suffix() — Method in class NumberFormat
Sets the string suffix for the value.
JsonConfig::setOption() — Method in class JsonConfig
Shortcut method to set the value of an option and return $this.
JsonConfig::setOptions() — Method in class JsonConfig
Parses the config array by passing the values through each method to check validity against if the option exists.
Lavacharts::store() — Method in class Lavacharts
Stores a existing Chart or Dashboard into the volcano storage.
Options::set() — Method in class Options
Set the value of an option.
Options::setOptions() — Method in class Options
Batch set options from an array.
SelectionModeTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
SelectionModeTrait::selectionMode() — Method in class SelectionModeTrait
When selectionMode is 'multiple', users may select multiple data points.
SeriesTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
SeriesTrait::series() — Method in class SeriesTrait
An array of objects, each describing the format of the corresponding series in the chart.
StringValueClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Values
StringValue Object
Volcano::storeChart() — Method in class Volcano
Stores a chart in the volcano datastore.
Volcano::storeDashboard() — Method in class Volcano
Stores a dashboard in the volcano datastore.


Chart::title() — Method in class Chart
Text to display above the chart.
Chart::titlePosition() — Method in class Chart
Where to place the chart title, compared to the chart area.
Chart::titleTextStyle() — Method in class Chart
An array of options for defining the title text style.
Chart::tooltip() — Method in class Chart
An object with members to configure various tooltip elements.
TableChartClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
TreeMapClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Charts
TreeMap Chart Class
Annotation::textStyle() — Method in class Annotation
An object that specifies the annotation text style.
Axis::textPosition() — Method in class Axis
Position of the axis text, relative to the chart area.
Axis::textStyle() — Method in class Axis
Sets the TextStyle options for the axis
Axis::title() — Method in class Axis
Axis property that specifies the title of the axis.
Axis::titleTextStyle() — Method in class Axis
An object that specifies the axis title text style.
ChartArea::top() — Method in class ChartArea
Sets the top padding of the chart in the container.
Crosshair::trigger() — Method in class Crosshair
When to display crosshairs: on 'focus', 'selection', or 'both'.
CssClassNames::tableRow() — Method in class CssClassNames
Assigns a class name to the non-header rows ( elements).
CssClassNames::tableCell() — Method in class CssClassNames
Assigns a class name to all non-header table cells ( element).
$ DataTableProperty in class DataTable
Timezone for dealing with datetime and Carbon objects
DataTable::toJson() — Method in class DataTable
Convert the DataTable to JSON
Legend::textStyle() — Method in class Legend
An array that specifies the legend text style options.
Series::targetAxisIndex() — Method in class Series
Which axis to assign this series to.
Series::type() — Method in class Series
The default line type for any series not specified in the series property.
Series::textStyle() — Method in class Series
An object that specifies the series text style.
Slice::textStyle() — Method in class Slice
Overrides the global pieSliceTextStyle for this slice.
TextStyleClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Text Style ConfigObject
TooltipClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Tooltip ConfigObject
Tooltip::textStyle() — Method in class Tooltip
Sets the text style of the tooltip.
Tooltip::trigger() — Method in class Tooltip
Sets the user interaction that causes the tooltip to be displayed.
TrendlineClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Trendline ConfigObject
Trendline::type() — Method in class Trendline
The default line type for any series not specified in the series property.
DataRange::ticks() — Method in class DataRange
The number of ticks (fixed positions in the range bar) the slider thumbs can occupy.
Wrapper::toJavascript() — Method in class Wrapper
Returns a javascript string with the constructor for the Wrapper.
$ ColumnFactoryProperty in class ColumnFactory
Valid column types
DataTable::toJson() — Method in class DataTable
Convert the DataTable to JSON
DateFormat::timeZone() — Method in class DateFormat
Sets the time zone in which to display the date value.
ThemeTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
ThemeTrait::theme() — Method in class ThemeTrait
A theme is a set of predefined option values that work together to achieve a specific chart behavior or visual effect.
TrendlinesTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
TrendlinesTrait::trendlines() — Method in class TrendlinesTrait
Defines how the chart trendlines will be displayed.


CalendarChart::underMonthSpace() — Method in class CalendarChart
The number of pixels between the bottom of the month labels and the top of the day squares.
CalendarChart::underYearSpace() — Method in class CalendarChart
The number of pixels between the bottom-most year label and the bottom of the chart.
CalendarChart::unusedMonthOutlineColor() — Method in class CalendarChart
Months without data values are delineated from others using a border in this style.
Gridlines::units() — Method in class Gridlines
Overrides the default format for various aspects of date/datetime/timeofday data types.
DataRange::unitIncrement() — Method in class DataRange
The amount to increment for unit increments of the range extents.
UIClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs\UIs
UI Object
CategoryFilter::useFormattedValue() — Method in class CategoryFilter
Selects whether to use the DataTable values or the formatted values.
Filter::ui() — Method in class Filter
Assigns custom attributes to the controls that the filter is attached to.
StringFilter::useFormattedValue() — Method in class StringFilter
Whether the control should match against cell formatted values or against actual values.
Wrapper::unwrap() — Method in class Wrapper
Unwraps and returns the wrapped object.
UtilsClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts


Axis::viewWindow() — Method in class Axis
Specifies the cropping range of the axis.
Axis::viewWindowMode() — Method in class Axis
Specifies how to scale the axis to render the values within the chart area. The following string values are supported:
ColorAxis::values() — Method in class ColorAxis
If present, controls how values are associated with colors. Each value is associated with the corresponding color in the $this->colors array.
VerticalAxisClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Configs
Vertical Axis ConfigObject
CategoryFilter::values() — Method in class CategoryFilter
List of values to choose from.
VerticalAxesTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
VerticalAxesTrait::vAxes() — Method in class VerticalAxesTrait
Specifies properties for individual vertical axes
VerticalAxisTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
VerticalAxisTrait::vAxis() — Method in class VerticalAxisTrait
An object with members to configure various vertical axis elements.
VisibleInLegendTraitClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Traits
VisibleInLegendTrait::visibleInLegend() — Method in class VisibleInLegendTrait
Whether the trendline should have a legend entry or not.
VolcanoClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts
Volcano Storage Class


Chart::width() — Method in class Chart
Width of the chart, in pixels.
ChartArea::width() — Method in class ChartArea
Sets the width of the chart in the container.
WrapperClass in namespace Khill\Lavacharts\Dashboards
Wrapper Parent Class
BarFormat::width() — Method in class BarFormat
Thickness of each bar, in pixels.


Gradient::x1() — Method in class Gradient
Sets where on the boundary to start in X.
Gradient::x2() — Method in class Gradient
Sets where on the boundary to end in X, relative to x1.


GaugeChart::yellowColor() — Method in class GaugeChart
The color to use for the yellow section, in HTML color notation.
GaugeChart::yellowFrom() — Method in class GaugeChart
The lowest value for a range marked by a yellow color.
GaugeChart::yellowTo() — Method in class GaugeChart
The highest value for a range marked by a yellow color.
Gradient::y1() — Method in class Gradient
Sets where on the boundary to start in Y.
Gradient::y2() — Method in class Gradient
Sets where on the boundary to end in Y, relative to y1.


MagnifyingGlass::zoomFactor() — Method in class MagnifyingGlass
The zoom factor of the magnifying glass.


AreaChart::__construct() — Method in class AreaChart
Builds a new AreaChart with the given label, datatable and options.
BarChart::__construct() — Method in class BarChart
Builds a new BarChart with the given label, datatable and options.
CalendarChart::__construct() — Method in class CalendarChart
Builds a new chart with the given label.
CalendarChart::__get() — Method in class CalendarChart
Overriding getOption function to pull config options from calendar array.
Chart::__construct() — Method in class Chart
Builds a new chart with the given label.
ColumnChart::__construct() — Method in class ColumnChart
Builds a new ColumnChart with the given label, datatable and options.
ComboChart::__construct() — Method in class ComboChart
Builds a new ComboChart with the given label, datatable and options.
DonutChart::__construct() — Method in class DonutChart
Builds a new chart with the given label and DataTable.
GaugeChart::__construct() — Method in class GaugeChart
Builds a new GaugeChart with the given label, datatable and options.
GeoChart::__construct() — Method in class GeoChart
Builds a new GeoChart with the given label, datatable and options.
LineChart::__construct() — Method in class LineChart
Builds a new LineChart with the given label, datatable and options.
PieChart::__construct() — Method in class PieChart
Builds a new PieChart with the given label, datatable and options.
ScatterChart::__construct() — Method in class ScatterChart
Builds a new ScatterChart with the given label, datatable and options.
TableChart::__construct() — Method in class TableChart
Builds a new TableChart with the given label, datatable and options.
TreeMap::__construct() — Method in class TreeMap
Builds a new TreeMapChart with the given label, datatable and options.
Animation::__construct() — Method in class Animation
Builds the Animation object.
Annotation::__construct() — Method in class Annotation
Builds the Annotation object.
Axis::__construct() — Method in class Axis
Builds the configuration when passed an array of options.
BackgroundColor::__construct() — Method in class BackgroundColor
Builds the backgroundColor object with specified options
BoxStyle::__construct() — Method in class BoxStyle
Builds the boxStyle object with specified options
ChartArea::__construct() — Method in class ChartArea
Builds the ChartArea object when passed an array of configuration options.
Color::__construct() — Method in class Color
Builds the Color object with specified options
ColorAxis::__construct() — Method in class ColorAxis
Builds the ColorAxis object with specified options
Crosshair::__construct() — Method in class Crosshair
Stores all the information about the crosshair.
CssClassNames::__construct() — Method in class CssClassNames
Builds the CssClassNames object when passed an array of options.
DataTable::__construct() — Method in class DataTable
Creates a new DataTable
Gradient::__construct() — Method in class Gradient
Builds the gradient object with specified options
Gridlines::__construct() — Method in class Gridlines
Builds the Gridlines object.
HorizontalAxis::__construct() — Method in class HorizontalAxis
Stores all the information about the horizontal axis. All options can be set either by passing an array with associative values for option => value, or by chaining together the functions once an object has been created.
Legend::__construct() — Method in class Legend
Builds the legend object when passed an array of configuration options.
MagnifyingGlass::__construct() — Method in class MagnifyingGlass
Builds the MagnifyingGlass object.
Series::__construct() — Method in class Series
Builds the series object when passed an array of configuration options.
SizeAxis::__construct() — Method in class SizeAxis
Builds the configuration when passed an array of options.
Slice::__construct() — Method in class Slice
Builds the slice object with specified options.
Stroke::__construct() — Method in class Stroke
Builds the Stroke object with specified options
TextStyle::__construct() — Method in class TextStyle
Builds the TextStyle object when passed an array of configuration options.
Tooltip::__construct() — Method in class Tooltip
Builds the tooltip object with specified options.
Trendline::__construct() — Method in class Trendline
Builds the trendline object when passed an array of configuration options.
CategoryUI::__construct() — Method in class CategoryUI
Creates a new CategoryUI object
ChartRangeUI::__construct() — Method in class ChartRangeUI
Creates a new ChartRangeUI object
DataRange::__construct() — Method in class DataRange
Builds a new Date or Number RangeUI object.
StringUI::__construct() — Method in class StringUI
Builds a new StringUI Object
VerticalAxis::__construct() — Method in class VerticalAxis
Stores all the information about the vertical axis. All options can be set either by passing an array with associative values for option => value, or by chaining together the functions once an object has been created.
Binding::__construct() — Method in class Binding
Assigns the wrappers and creates the new Binding.
ManyToMany::__construct() — Method in class ManyToMany
Creates the new Binding.
ManyToOne::__construct() — Method in class ManyToOne
Creates the new Binding.
OneToMany::__construct() — Method in class OneToMany
Creates the new Binding.
OneToOne::__construct() — Method in class OneToOne
Creates the new Binding.
ChartWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ChartWrapper
Builds a ChartWrapper object.
ControlWrapper::__construct() — Method in class ControlWrapper
Builds a ControlWrapper object.
Dashboard::__construct() — Method in class Dashboard
Builds a new Dashboard with identifying label.
CategoryFilter::__construct() — Method in class CategoryFilter
Creates the new Filter object to filter the given column label or index.
ChartRangeFilter::__construct() — Method in class ChartRangeFilter
Creates the new Filter object to filter the given column label or index.
DateRangeFilter::__construct() — Method in class DateRangeFilter
Creates the new Filter object to filter the given column label or index.
Filter::__construct() — Method in class Filter
Builds a new Filter Object Takes either a column label or a column index to filter. The options object will be created internally, so no need to set defaults. The child filter objects will set them.
NumberRangeFilter::__construct() — Method in class NumberRangeFilter
Creates the new Filter object to filter the given column label or index.
StringFilter::__construct() — Method in class StringFilter
Creates the new Filter object to filter the given column label or index.
Wrapper::__construct() — Method in class Wrapper
Builds a new Wrapper object.
Cell::__construct() — Method in class Cell
Defines a DataCell for a DataTable
DateCell::__construct() — Method in class DateCell
Creates a new DateCell object from a Carbon object.
DateCell::__toString() — Method in class DateCell
Custom string output of the Carbon date.
Column::__construct() — Method in class Column
Creates a new Column with the defined label.
DataTable::__construct() — Method in class DataTable
Creates a new DataTable
ArrowFormat::__construct() — Method in class ArrowFormat
Builds the ArrowFormat object with specified options
BarFormat::__construct() — Method in class BarFormat
Builds the BarFormat object with specified options
DateFormat::__construct() — Method in class DateFormat
Builds the DateFormat object with specified options
Format::__construct() — Method in class Format
Builds the Options object.
NumberFormat::__construct() — Method in class NumberFormat
Builds the NumberFormat object with specified options
NullRow::__construct() — Method in class NullRow
Creates a new NullRow object
Row::__construct() — Method in class Row
Creates a new Row object with the given values.
RowFactory::__construct() — Method in class RowFactory
Creates a new RowFactory instance.
ChartNotFound::__construct() — Method in class ChartNotFound
DashboardNotFound::__construct() — Method in class DashboardNotFound
DataTableNotFound::__construct() — Method in class DataTableNotFound
InvalidBindings::__construct() — Method in class InvalidBindings
InvalidCellCount::__construct() — Method in class InvalidCellCount
InvalidChartWrapperParams::__construct() — Method in class InvalidChartWrapperParams
InvalidColumnDefinition::__construct() — Method in class InvalidColumnDefinition
InvalidColumnFormat::__construct() — Method in class InvalidColumnFormat
InvalidColumnIndex::__construct() — Method in class InvalidColumnIndex
InvalidColumnRole::__construct() — Method in class InvalidColumnRole
InvalidColumnType::__construct() — Method in class InvalidColumnType
InvalidConfigProperty::__construct() — Method in class InvalidConfigProperty
InvalidConfigValue::__construct() — Method in class InvalidConfigValue
InvalidControlWrapperParams::__construct() — Method in class InvalidControlWrapperParams
InvalidDataTable::__construct() — Method in class InvalidDataTable
InvalidDate::__construct() — Method in class InvalidDate
InvalidDateTimeFormat::__construct() — Method in class InvalidDateTimeFormat
InvalidDateTimeString::__construct() — Method in class InvalidDateTimeString
InvalidDivDimensions::__construct() — Method in class InvalidDivDimensions
InvalidElementId::__construct() — Method in class InvalidElementId
InvalidEvent::__construct() — Method in class InvalidEvent
InvalidEventCallback::__construct() — Method in class InvalidEventCallback
InvalidFilterObject::__construct() — Method in class InvalidFilterObject
InvalidFunctionParam::__construct() — Method in class InvalidFunctionParam
InvalidJson::__construct() — Method in class InvalidJson
InvalidLabel::__construct() — Method in class InvalidLabel
InvalidLavaObject::__construct() — Method in class InvalidLavaObject
InvalidOption::__construct() — Method in class InvalidOption
InvalidRowDefinition::__construct() — Method in class InvalidRowDefinition
InvalidRowProperty::__construct() — Method in class InvalidRowProperty
InvalidTimeZone::__construct() — Method in class InvalidTimeZone
InvalidUIProperty::__construct() — Method in class InvalidUIProperty
ChartFactory::__construct() — Method in class ChartFactory
Creates a new ChartFactory with the javascript template.
DashboardFactory::__construct() — Method in class DashboardFactory
Creates a new DashboardFactory with the javascript template.
JsonConfig::__construct() — Method in class JsonConfig
Creates a new JsonConfig object
JsonConfig::__get() — Method in class JsonConfig
Get the value of a set option via magic method.
Lavacharts::__construct() — Method in class Lavacharts
Creates Volcano & Javascript Factory
Lavacharts::__call() — Method in class Lavacharts
Magic function to reduce repetitive coding and create aliases.
Options::__construct() — Method in class Options
Create a new Options object with a set of options.
LavachartsExtension::__construct() — Method in class LavachartsExtension
ElementId::__construct() — Method in class ElementId
Label::__construct() — Method in class Label
Role::__construct() — Method in class Role
Creates a new Role object.
StringValue::__construct() — Method in class StringValue
StringValue::__toString() — Method in class StringValue